Designing a database schema for an online merchandise store involves identifying the main entities, their attributes, and the relationships between them. Below is a simplified example of a database schema for an online merch store. Note that this is a basic representation, and the actual implementation might require further refinement based on specific business requirements.
1. User:
- UserID (Primary Key)
- Username
- Password
- FirstName
- LastName
- Address
- Phone
2. Product:
- ProductID (Primary Key)
- Name
- Description
- Price
- StockQuantity
3. Category:
- CategoryID (Primary Key)
- Name
4. Order:
- OrderID (Primary Key)
- UserID (Foreign Key referencing User.UserID)
- OrderDate
- TotalAmount
5. OrderItem:
- OrderItemID (Primary Key)
- OrderID (Foreign Key referencing Order.OrderID)
- ProductID (Foreign Key referencing Product.ProductID)
- Quantity
- Subtotal
6. Cart:
- CartID (Primary Key)
- UserID (Foreign Key referencing User.UserID)
7. CartItem:
- CartItemID (Primary Key)
- CartID (Foreign Key referencing Cart.CartID)
- ProductID (Foreign Key referencing Product.ProductID)
- Quantity
8. Payment:
- PaymentID (Primary Key)
- OrderID (Foreign Key referencing Order.OrderID)
- PaymentDate
- Amount
- PaymentMethod
9. Review:
- ReviewID (Primary Key)
- UserID (Foreign Key referencing User.UserID)
- ProductID (Foreign Key referencing Product.ProductID)
- Rating
- Comment
- ReviewDate
- Each User can place multiple Orders.
- Each Order belongs to one User.
- Each Order can have multiple OrderItems.
- Each Product can belong to multiple OrderItems.
- Each User can have a Cart, and each Cart can have multiple CartItems.
- Each User can write multiple Reviews, and each Product can have multiple Reviews.
This is a basic structure, and you might need to consider additional features such as handling product variations (e.g., size, color), managing discounts, tracking shipments, etc., based on the specific requirements of your online merch store.
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